Monday 25 April 2016

Film for college:

For my communication’s module I had to make a video for the college. The college also had an open day coming up so we decide to make a promo video for our course. For this I had to come up with ideas to show off each of the modules then go out and film it and then edit it. I had decided to do a montage of each of the modules to show what we do and what you could do in the course.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ The biggest pull to our course is for the film and editing so we knew we would have to show that off the most.

I started our filming with us doing a mock green screen recording and getting 5 to 6 different camera angle of us just talk on the green screen, most of the shot where over the shoulder or from behind the camera to give the look of you are there watching us film. I made sure to get a lot of green in each shot as I could make a sort of mise en scene with using the green glow that the green screen gave off. That would make sure that the audience new the all the shot where linked and gave us a nice consistence in that section for the promo video.

Then we moved on the editing, which I had to upload the clips from the filming of the green screen on to a Mac computer and open it in Final Cut Pro set it up so I could make the editing look like it took no time at all. After that we moved on the shorter clips of us in the class room do your work with different programs open. Then we went up and did over the shoulder shots of us working on music, web design, image editing, communications, graphic design and we got b-roll of pan shots of the class to break up the montage.

Then the filming was done so I up loaded all the shots on to one of the Macs and started to do the editing. I kept in mind the rule of six as this was not a story I could not use all the rules but then where help full anyway, as well the research I had do on mise en scene and even the soviet montage theory I could use so of the theory and apply it to my edits.

So I stated my editing with the film keeping the shots with to do with it with green in them to keep them linked as well that followed into the editing. With the rest of the editing it was more to show what programs we used and the quality of your work with a little of the process of how we did your work as that is a longer process than we had time to show in the short promo video. I also add title to each of the scenes of the montage so you know what module it was in the video. I the get a song off the internet to play over the promo video. Once I had add it to the video I had to change some of the edits to fit the song better as a cut should really happen on a beat of the song this helps to keep a pace in the video.

Monday 18 April 2016

Communications And Analyzing A Speech

Analyzing A Speech:

I am doing an analyse on the speech made by Leonardo DiCaprio at the opening of Climate Summit 2014. That this climate summit Leonardo was speaking as an messenger of peaces for climate change is need to be taken on an Industrial level. I am going to analyse this speech on clarity of delivery, the message, command of pitch, tone and articulation and on eye contact.

Leonardo's speech was good because it because it carried very well when he spoke. He made his voice sound confident and he was strong when he jump on to important words in the speech. He had made the speech clear on the delivery, he spoke clearly and with a strong voice he didn't stutter or stumble on any words. I found his body language to be very formal and but still had a passion when he get to the bigger points.

There was no statistics given at the speech but he did mention that governmentcompanies and scientists all have staggering statistics on the climate problem. Leonardo DiCaprio had talk about being involved in protests on the climate change. I also think he had done research on the problem as well as talking to people on the climate and this speech was for the Climate Summit of 2014 everyone at the summit was there to talk about the climate problem.

I had found this speech every interesting as the issues that he spoke on i found important as well he didn't make that speech boring he had made a small joke at the start and he didn't have a dead tone to his voice he kept it alive. I don't know if Leonardo has achieved his aim in the presentation as climate problem is still going o the this day and dose not seem to be slowing as much as it needs to.

The points that were made in the speech were that:

  • The climate problem is real and just a made up.
  • The climate problem is peaking to the point that we cant go back.
  • The climate problem is beyond individuals fixing the problem.
  • The climate problem is now to only able to be fixed on an industrial level.
  • We should be criticizing the industry not giving them tax money.
  • Climate change is the biggest threat to the world at this time.

The points that seem the most effective to me were the points on the industry's, at it is now up to them to help to with the climate problem and that they have one of the biggest impressions on the climate and that point that we should be criticizing the industry on what they do and how they work and stop giving them more money.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Communication models and Communications In Contemporary Society

Communication models and Communications In Contemporary Society:

Communication is latin for communicaire which means “To share”, communication is the act passing a message and being mutually understood whetter that you are using signs, sounds or a device. How good we are at communicating is often determined by how you can share, impart information or find common tool to communicate with.
The basic steps to communication are that you have to have a communicative intent, a message composition, a way to encode the message, a transmission of a signal, reception of that signal, a way to decode that signal and a way to interpret that message by a recipient.

Reasons why we Communicate:

  • For Survival
  • To Co-operation
  • For Personal needs
  • In Relationships
  • To Persuade
  • Gain Power
  • For Buying & Selling
  • To Learn
  • Making Decisions
  • To Express Your Self


we have to communicate with each other so we can trap and cach foot even to grow food we have to have a way of asking of help with such things. Say a pack of dogs were about to attack someone you would need to be able to warning to them or ask for help to scare them off. We would not have gotten to the top of the food chain without communication.


To co-operant with some one you need to be able to pass information to get a job done. You can't just stand around nothing would get done. To co-operant we need some form of communication or we would just have society of people living in fields.

Personal Needs:

If you need food and you were sick, how you would you ask for food or even tell someone you're sick if there was no communication? You would just sit there dieing communication is key to living and to get what you want in life if you can't ask or demand something then you will never get something.


in a relationships you need to express your self if that is to tell someone that you love them or to tell them you think they are driving you mad. To a relationships with someone there needs to be some form of bond, but if there is no communication then how could you form a bond?


To persuade someone you need to move there thinking over to what you want them to think or believe to do that you must have way to motivating them one of the best way of ding that is through communication. We persuade people all the time while talking telling them about something we did or even a lie is persuading someone to believe in you.


there is power in communication, if you believe in the bible than you have give power to someone through a book but that book was communication the teachings of someone. Someone wrote that book and chose the words and they had the power using communication to make you go to church or believe in something. That even when in a war if you can communicate with the the rest of your troops you can control your fighters and make plans giving you power over your opponent.

The Communication Process:

The communication process is broken down into 5 parts:
  1. The Message, you must come up with a message you wish to send.
  2. Encoding, you have to encode the message .i.e a way to make the message on a pice of paper or by talking.
  3. A Channel, you have to have a way of giving that encoded message like with sound or with the postman.
  4. Decoding, you have to be able to decode the encoded message like if you don't have ears you can't hear the message or if you don't live have a house how can the postman give you the massage.
  5. Receiver, even if you can get the message but if you don't speak that same language or you can't read that message then the message is not understood and the communication process has failed.

Monday 7 March 2016

Mise en Scene

Mise en Scene:
The Godfather

For this blog I am doing a Mise en scene on “The Godfather”. I am going to pick out the opening scene and the wedding scene as the link between the two scenes are very nice contrasts, as well the scenes come right after each other and they take place at the same time.

Mise en scene is the most recognizable attributes of a film, it is the collective of the setting, actors, costumes, make-up, props, lighting and all the other natural and artificial details that characterize the spaces in the film. The term is from a French theatrical expression meaning “put into the scene” or placing on stage” depending on who you ask. In other words, Mise en scene describes the stuff in the frame of a scene and the way it is shown and arranged.

Opening scene:

The Godfather” open with a black screen fading in very slowly, with one man speaking, in a soft spot light. The soft spot light creates a mysterious and tense feeling to the scene. With the light only shown on the man’s face. the background is completely black, building on the dramatic and intimidating tone of the film. The very slow and precise zoom out in the opening explains to the audience that there is something about to be introduce to the story, something very important. Although the scene does open with the man talking to Don Corleone off screen, it is clear that Don Corleone is the main character through the use of the zoom out.

The zooming stops once Don Corleone enters the frame with an over the shoulder of him at his desk. The next shot is of Don Corleone in the same soft lighting but its brighter to show the important of his character. The light coming from behind Don Corleone’s face, which is from the window, highlights Don Corleone to show him looking down as he answers the question, this shows him as a powerful man. In addition, the characters are all facing Don Corleone and he is literally the center of attention.

The ending scene of “The Godfather” is another scene composed of interesting Mise en scene elements. The ending scene starts with a deep focus shot, presenting Kay in the front and Michael in the back. Although Kay is in the front of the shot, Michael is the one who is in focus. Furthermore, even though both Michael and Kay are in the shot, the two characters are spread incredibly far apart from each other, creating a mood of disconnection. The long distance between Kay and Michael, along with Michael being the character in focus, creates a wanting to see more of Michael. This longing for a closer view of Michael is answered by a cut away to a medium shot of the room that Michael is in. The shot shows three other characters surround themselves around Michael, once again presenting that Michael is the center of attention. The lighting within this scene is also pretty minimal. Although there is a long hallway between Kay and Michael, the hallway has almost no lights on it, and most of the lighting in the entire scene comes from the window behind Michael and in front of Kay.

In its entirety, “The Godfather” has a very dark mood. The lighting is operated very precisely, which usually only shows the characters and their faces, and leaves the rest of the setting minimally lit. The camera angles vary from first person, which presents the scene as if you are there, observing everything that is going on, to a more distant point of view, as if you were stealthily watching the characters in action while trying not get caught. The placement of the characters in scenes are also used very purposefully. The staging of the characters in each scene convey to the audience who is the main character of the scene/film. Usually, the main character will be sitting down, while everyone else is standing up, or the main character will be at the center of the group of people.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Soviet Montage Theory

Soviet Montage Theory:

Eisentein had said that montage is one of the editing style of discontinuity in graphic qualities which means how the filmmakers combine together all the different shots sizes in different camera angle by using the editing suite with the force of powerful narrative.

Eisenstein theorized that proper film should not proceed smoothly, but should go thought stages or a series of shocks. Whenever he could he would tried to create some kind of visual conflict or discontinuity between two shots with the goal of creating a jolt in the spectator “psyche”. The visual explosions or striking shot on the screen were intended to create a continual source of entertainment or shocks you to keep you wide awake.

It has be come more popular in horror movies to used such montages as seen in “Psycho – The shower” scene. In the scene a woman is having a shower no music is play just the shower going, than a figure comes in the room but is behind the woman, as he pulls the shower curtain back dramatic music stars playing, then it starts a montage of the figure stabbing the woman, cutting to the figure swing the knife then back to the woman at different angel, then back to the figure stabbing at her. That scene is very striking and shocks you as it has such a slow build up.

I think that “Soviet Montage Theory” has a grate affect on film and it is used to some degree in most films. Its has such a powerful affect on films if it is used right, the use of the “Soviet Montage Theory” I feel it is best used in a horror scene or a action scene, other usages of the theory dont' have as much affect.

Monday 29 February 2016

The History of Editing:

History of Editing:

The true start to Film Editing began in 1895 when the Lumiere Brothers invented the “Cinematographe”, it was three devices in one as it could record, capture and project motion pictures. But the Lumiere Brothers had a limited view on what to do with such a device, but Edwin S. Porter show that the footage didn't have to be just long stills but it could be used to tell story's and that changing the order of the footage or adding new clips in could change a story completely.

Another of the founder of the Editing world was D.W Griffiths, in his film “For Love of Gold” Featured the first ever continuity cut. It was then that Griffths realized that he could get different emotions from different camera angles and the pace of the edits and it was not all down to the Actors. Griffiths produced the first American feature film and had discovered the use of the close up.

Griffiths film “The birth of a Nation” in 1915 was the one of the first to use techniques such as panoramic long shot, still shots, cross cutting and the panning shot, these techniques are still used in film to day. Griffiths also used sound to make his films more interesting as well to make the audience feel more involved in what they where seeing.

The change from Analogue editing to Digital editing change the speed and effeteness of how we edit to day. Analogue editing took time and practice as you had to cut the film reel and pasted it together how you wanted it to look and then sent it through a machine such as a Moviola. But Digital editing was done with computer which was much faster and efficient. the footage is loaded on the a computer and a program such as Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premier is used to cut the footage and put it in the order you want as well you could add more effects and the use of green screen editing started to coming to play.

The History of editing has come a long way since we had to cut the reels and past them together, but the techniques used have stayed with use and will be used for years to come.

Monday 25 January 2016

Mass Media Influence on the Sexs

Multimedia Communication: Mass Media Influence on the Sex's

The mass Media has an influence on females and males. The mass media use different techniques on each to get their attention but it is all leading people to become super consumers. They are deciding how we should look at people and how we should act by influence us through TV, movies, Internet, advertising and games.

They have made the stereotypical male to be a violet, strong, stupid and big/fat but as well if the male is in a suit or a lab coat he is smart, best looking, strong, knightly and he would not lie to you. That is not the case of all men. I am sure that there are people who will want to the be the violet, strong, stupid and big man but they have come under the influence of the mass media. The mass media has pushed the stereotype on men so much so it is see as weak to be anything but violet, strong, stupid and big, which should not be the case. People come in all shapes and have different out looks on what they are and how they act. Putting people in to box is just a bad way to look at some one.

Here is a list of statement that push the stereotypical ideals of the male on to people projected by the mass media:

All men enjoy working on cars
Men are not nurses, they are doctors.
Men do "dirty jobs" such as construction and mechanics; they are not secretaries, teachers, or cosmetologists.
Men do not do housework and they are not responsible for taking care of children.
Men play video games.
Men play sports.
Men enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking.
Men are in charge; they are always at the top.
As husbands, men tell their wives what to do.
Men are lazy and/or messy.
Men are good at math.
It is always men who work in science, engineering, and other technical fields.
Men do not cook, sew, or do crafts.

The thing is that now that these stereotypes have be around so long most people abide by them. How many of these are actually true of men or women. They may even be true for you, but they do not apply to every single man or woman alive. That is what makes them stereotypes.

The fact that these things are considered, "the norm" and expected of every male or female. Each person is an individual and it is perfectly normal for a woman to run her own business while a man stays home with the kids. On the other hand it is also perfectly acceptable for a man to be a nurse or hate sports, or enjoy cooking.

They have made the stereotypical female to be a gentle, weak, stupid, skinny and an sex object but as well if the female is in a suit they are now controlling and demanding . The idea that females are weaker, more emotional or stupid and don't know what the are talking about is just another stereotype made up by the mass media. It is made out that women don't fist fight or can't be builders, Docs or engineers.

That is not the case of all woman. I am sure that there are woman who will want to the be nurses, delicate, maybe even silly but they have come under the influence of the mass media. The mass media has pushed the stereotype on woman so much more than on men that it is just considered the norm that woman are see in this way. People come in all shapes and have different out looks on what they are and how they act. Putting people in to box is just a bad way to look at some one and is not helping our society to move on and develop to being a better and more just place.

Here is a list of statement that push the stereotypical ideals of the female on to the people projected by the mass media:

All woman enjoy working on in kitchens
Woman are nurses, not doctors.
Woman don't "dirty jobs" such as construction and mechanics; they are secretaries, teachers, or cosmetologists.
Woman do housework and they are responsible for taking care of children.
Woman don't play video games.
Woman don't play sports.
Woman don't enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking.
Woman are never in charge; they are not at the top.
As wives, Woman nag their husbands.
Woman are bad at math.
It is never Woman who work in science, engineering, and other technical fields.
Woman always cook, sew, or do crafts.

These stereotypes have be around so long most people abide by them. How many of these are actually true of men or women. They may even be true for you, but they do not apply to every single man or woman alive. That is what makes them stereotypes some this that is right some times not always and what if it was said that men had to cook and clean and woman now go bring home that money? How would change the world we live in? But then we would be arguing why men clean and cook women work.

From the research that i had done on this subject i had found that there are is a huge amount of influence on us from the mass media specially on your gender. They are forcing stereotypes on us from the day we are born till the day we die. But saying that there has been more acceptance in the last 5 years that the last 100.

And the mass media had a hand it that by showing TV show where women are docs, lawyers, engineers and power full business people. I hope that this new turn in mass media continues because it will let people decide who they are and what the want to do and i think that is a right step in the right direction for our society. But there still a lot of media pushing gender stereotypes on us.