Monday 23 November 2015

Communications Technology Essay

Communications Technology Essay:


This essay will be on the issues that are relevant to the disadvantages and advantages of communication and technology. Also this essay will go into the impact of communication technology on the privet and public life. The legislation on the freedom of information act and the data protection act

Recognition of current issues & development in Communication & Information Technology

The facts about communication and technology is that it will improve the lives of those who will not be dependent on it and use it as a tool. And not as string to life or as away to stay disconnected from society physically and emotionally. There are more and more online relationships happing in the passed 3 to 4 years on social websites like FaceBook, Bebo and any dating site. You don’t have to meet people in real life and even the way say real life as if every one has a fake one?. Witch sadly a lot of people do and there almost no way you can know who you are talking to. As seen in an American reality TV show CatFish where they get emails from people who ask them to find out who they are really talking to online and 10 times out of 9 they will not be who they said they were.
There are more people in the world that have access to a mobile phone then to a toilet. And out of the 7 billion people in the world 6 billion people have a mobile phone. That 6 billion people that can text, call and e-mail 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That is an incredible amount of people to be contented in one form technology. In this day and age, the main of western and Japanese society are so highly focus on pushing communicate technology that they will spend millions on some new phone or tablet like Apply who makes the Iphone and there I tablet or google who make google glasses and there only two of hand full company’s that will spend this much money on product that are not that advance as they would let you believe. Most millinery company’s and privet millinery’s would have had the same technology 2 to 4 years early in guns, missiles and reconsecrates equipment then they would sell them to governments around the world and to company's. The more worrying is the unemployment of people who work in factories. As it is a lot cheaper to have one machine to do the work of 4 people who need to sleep and eat. This is not just in factories evan in shops were they have self check out that is some ones job taken by technology

The Advantages of Communication Technology

The advantages communication technology has had on the world is that we now have a wide range of new communication methods allowing you to be in contact with others less of a cost and over greater distances then we ever could before. Technical advancements in communication is booming as more people in the world now have smartphones and text based communication can give people with speech or social problems a tool to communicate with their friends and family.

The advancements in communication Technology has made most businesses automated giving people access to a website or voicemail for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that a business can be open anytime, giving a customer the capability to make a purchase from different countries (as long as they will deliver to that country or the website is not banned).
There is more jobs communication technology in for programmers, systems analysts and Web designers all owe their jobs to communication technology, as well as the people involved in secondary industries such as the technology training and the recruitment of students or employes. As well as making most manufacturing companies more efficient by taking human error out by replacing them with computers and robots.

The disadvantages of Communication Technology

The new age of communication technology has made online dating a more popular but it has been used to scam people who are looking for a friend or partner. These people are predators and are tricking people into thinking that they are someone else entirely by making up life stories and photographs that they find on online often contain the friends, resumes and jobs that they say have but only there not their own if they are even real. This has even got this own name now from a movie/TV show “CatFish”, so people are getting catfished all over the world and some even ask for money that will never be payed back, people have lost thousand in these scams they rarely ever solve.

The disadvantages of communication technology are privacy issues like mobile phone signal interceptions, Email hacking, people are worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge. Even with government laws are trying to prevent this happing but company's and governments are the ones who do this the most and the fines for the taking or selling people's privet information is just not hight enough “The $40 million in fines that Google has agreed to pay to settle charges in both cases is but a small fraction of the search giant's total revenue, which was $50 billion last year.” - Gerry Smith. There are company's that are putting microchips in almost everything you buy, wear, drive and read allowing company's, retailers and police to track the stuff you buy.
The unemployment because of technology is a very real thing as robots, automation, and software can replace people in manufacturing or as a travel agent but its happens in more than just low qualified jobs. In some hospitals they have got rid of fully qualified pharmacists for a pharmacy automation which is a pill vending machine. To even become a pharmacists you must complete a four-year Pharmacy degree then do a twelve months practical training in an approved establishment then you have to pass a license examination. That is a long time to be made redundant by a pill vending machine. Some experts believe that the internet has made keeping a job or keeping relevant in a job a issue as technology is always moving foreword. This means that downsizing and outsourcing is a problem and a lot of lower and middle level jobs have been done away with causing more people to become unemployed

Healthy & Safety Communication Legislation

The Data Protection Act 1988:
The Data Protection in Ireland is set out in the Data Protection Act, 1988 and 2003. Which were put together as one act. The Acts place responsibilities on the persons that collect and process personal information. As well as conferring rights on individuals. The Data Protection Act is about your fundamental right to privacy.

The Freedom of Information Act 1997:
The Freedom of Information Act, 1997 obliges government departments, the Health Service Executive (HSE), local authorities and a range of other statutory agencies to publish information on their activities and to make personal information available to citizens.

The aim of this assignment was to find out how communications technology has impacted the world and the disadvantages and advantages of communication technology. I feel that I have fulfilled the aim and have benefited from doing this assignment. I have learned that the advantages and disadvantages are and will be an on going battle as there are as may good points as there is bad. From this assignment you can see that the technology is growing fast and is gonna move the world in power and information.



Film Studies & Camera Angles

Multimedia Communication: Film Studies

Shawshank Redemption - Tarring Roof:

At the start of this scene it show a tar bucket coming up the side of a building and on to the roof. This shot was done with a bird's-eye view and it then goes to pan shot on to the roof to show the captain talking to some officers this was done to show that the captain is one of the main guys in this scene, the camera comes to rest on him. It then dose a cut to tar mops and pans up to show how is tarring the roof. It dose this to show who is on the roof but it is a mid shot so only the visual of who is there and where they are is given from this shot. It then dose a group eye level shot to show that the prisoners are listening to the guards as they talk and to show how they feel about what they are saying.

It then cut to the caption again to show him talking about money and taxes, the shot is following him and the other guards are almost out of focus because they don't matter. This was done to again show that he is the boss and no one else matters that shot even follows him around as he paces back and fourth.

It then cuts to a close up of Andy looking at the captain. This was done to show that he is in grossed in what is going on. Then Andy walks off screen to wards the captain. Andy asked the captain if he trusted his wife and the captain then grabs Andy and drags him to the edge of the roof. It the cuts to an over head shot that is also a long shot. This was done to show where they were and how hight the roof was, also to get a senses of the danger Andy was in. It then pans down to an over over the shoulder shot to get the emotion on Andy's face. And as andy is explaining to the captain what he meant and how he can help him out the camera is panning to a two shot to see both their emotions wile the talk.

Then it cut to a close up shot of the captain shouting that the other prisoners to get back to work. And it cuts to a group shot of them all turning around and keep on tarring the roof. Then the captain lets Andy going and as he lets him going the camera follows Andy walking away in the background the captain is still look at andy. Some one walking away wile the camera follows the m means that it is the end of the shot.

I thought that the shot had a lot of good cut and i could see why they were done to build up interest the captain and then that made sense that Andy would go over to the captain to help and it made and the use of the bird's-eye shot were good to show where the were and to make it intense when andy got dragged to the edge.

How The Mass Media Constructs Stories

Mass Media Constructs Stories:
The media went mad in 2012 about a Polish dentist that supposedly extracting every single one of her
ex-boyfriend's teeth. The story was reported by the Daily Mail, abc News and several other major news organizations.

The story said that "Beware a scorned woman with dental pliers. A  Polish man learned this lesson the hard way when his dentist ex-girlfriend pulled out all his teeth during  a surgery days after he'd dumped her for another woman." . The story went on to apranti have quotes from the toothless boyfriend and the girlfriend that took her revenge.

But the story was put forward as horrifying act from another woman who couldn't control her emotions even having a quote of her say as much "I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions," but when the story was investigated there was no evidence that this ever happened. 

The Wroclaw police stated that the crime was never reported and the legal adviser for Poland's Chamber of Physicians and Dentists had said that there was no dental practitioner named Anna Mackowiak. The story was then removed from the Daily Mail page and the headline has been changed.

Fabricated story:

True report:
Propp's theory

Vladimir Propp was a Russian critic of fairy tales in 1928, he identified 32 categories of action and over 30 character types who have a specific function within the narrative to cause events:

1. the hero, who seeks something

2. the villain who hinders or is in competition with the hero

3. the donor who provides some kind of magic talisman that helps the hero

4. the helper who aids the hero and his/her quest

5. the heroine/princess who acts as a reward for the hero and is the object of the villain’s schemes

6. the dispatcher who sends the hero on his/her way by providing a message

7. the false hero who disrupts the hero’s hope of reward by pressing false claims

8. the princess/heroine’s father who acts to reward the hero for his efforts.

I am going to apply his theory to the film “Disney's Hercules”.

Propp's theory on “Disney's Hercules”:

The Hero: Hercules:

Hercules is the hero of this movie as he is the main character looking for his place in the world and is actual looking to become a true hero and find love. Hercules was given a potion that would render him mortal while he retains his god-like strength which makes him an out cast till he gets trained by phil and becomes a hero.

The Villain: Hades:

Hades is the villain of this story. He has tried to kill hercules when he a baby and sends his demons, Pain and Panic, to kidnap baby Hercules and give him a potion that would render him mortal, and kill him. He also wants to overthrow Zeus and rule Mount Olympus, Greece, the Earth and the rest of creation for himself by releasing the Titans in eighteen years.

This is why he is the villain as he put obstacles in the way of the hero to stop him from getting what he wants/needs.

The Donor: Zeus:

Hercules decides to visit the temple of Zeus for answers. The temple's statue of Zeus comes to life and reveals to Hercules that he is a gods son and he must be come a true hero to become a god again as he gives him Pegasus to help him on his journey.

This action has made Zeus the donor as he gave Hercules the knowledge of how to be come a god again, as well a “tool” to help him.

The Helper: Philoctetes “Phil”

Phil trains hero's but retired from training heroes due to numerous disappointments. Hercules connives him to help train him to be a true hero. Phil trains Hercules into a potential hero, and when he is older, they fly for Thebes on Pegasus to fight monsters with the help of Phil.

Phil is the helper in the story as he trained Hercules to fight and how to act as a hero thus making him the helper of the story.

The Reward/Princess: Meg:

Meg is the a sarcastic damsel whom Hercules saves from the centaur Nessus. She is the person the Hercules falls for in the story and as she keep getting put in trouble by Hades and even after she turns out to be the false hero hercules still risks his life to save her from death.

Meg is the princess as Hercules puts all aside just to have her and even tho she is also the false hero he still falls for her and saves her at the end just because he lover her.

The Dispatcher: Zeus:

Zeus sends Hercules on his journey to become a true hero and become a god again. As well he send his hercules to Phil to be trained so he can be come at true hero.

Zeus is the dispatcher as he sets him on the right path to become a god and come back to his god family as that is where he will always belong.

The False Hero: Meg:

Meg turns out to be working for hades the hole time to trap Hercules in to loving her and getting him into fights he might not win as well she trick him in to giving up his power to save her.

Meg is the false hero because she persented her self as someone who loved Hercules and someone who he could trust but she was just leading him into a trap for Hades.

The Father: Zeus:

Zeus gives hercules his godhood but hercules refuses so in stead Zeus clams that hercules is a true hero and creates a picture of Hercules in the stars commemorating his heroism as a proof he will alway be a true hero.

Zeus is the father as he give hercules his godhood even if he no longer wanted it be still gave him his place in the word as he declared him a true hero now being accepted by all.

By Dylan Keenan