Monday 25 January 2016

Mass Media Influence on the Sexs

Multimedia Communication: Mass Media Influence on the Sex's

The mass Media has an influence on females and males. The mass media use different techniques on each to get their attention but it is all leading people to become super consumers. They are deciding how we should look at people and how we should act by influence us through TV, movies, Internet, advertising and games.

They have made the stereotypical male to be a violet, strong, stupid and big/fat but as well if the male is in a suit or a lab coat he is smart, best looking, strong, knightly and he would not lie to you. That is not the case of all men. I am sure that there are people who will want to the be the violet, strong, stupid and big man but they have come under the influence of the mass media. The mass media has pushed the stereotype on men so much so it is see as weak to be anything but violet, strong, stupid and big, which should not be the case. People come in all shapes and have different out looks on what they are and how they act. Putting people in to box is just a bad way to look at some one.

Here is a list of statement that push the stereotypical ideals of the male on to people projected by the mass media:

All men enjoy working on cars
Men are not nurses, they are doctors.
Men do "dirty jobs" such as construction and mechanics; they are not secretaries, teachers, or cosmetologists.
Men do not do housework and they are not responsible for taking care of children.
Men play video games.
Men play sports.
Men enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking.
Men are in charge; they are always at the top.
As husbands, men tell their wives what to do.
Men are lazy and/or messy.
Men are good at math.
It is always men who work in science, engineering, and other technical fields.
Men do not cook, sew, or do crafts.

The thing is that now that these stereotypes have be around so long most people abide by them. How many of these are actually true of men or women. They may even be true for you, but they do not apply to every single man or woman alive. That is what makes them stereotypes.

The fact that these things are considered, "the norm" and expected of every male or female. Each person is an individual and it is perfectly normal for a woman to run her own business while a man stays home with the kids. On the other hand it is also perfectly acceptable for a man to be a nurse or hate sports, or enjoy cooking.

They have made the stereotypical female to be a gentle, weak, stupid, skinny and an sex object but as well if the female is in a suit they are now controlling and demanding . The idea that females are weaker, more emotional or stupid and don't know what the are talking about is just another stereotype made up by the mass media. It is made out that women don't fist fight or can't be builders, Docs or engineers.

That is not the case of all woman. I am sure that there are woman who will want to the be nurses, delicate, maybe even silly but they have come under the influence of the mass media. The mass media has pushed the stereotype on woman so much more than on men that it is just considered the norm that woman are see in this way. People come in all shapes and have different out looks on what they are and how they act. Putting people in to box is just a bad way to look at some one and is not helping our society to move on and develop to being a better and more just place.

Here is a list of statement that push the stereotypical ideals of the female on to the people projected by the mass media:

All woman enjoy working on in kitchens
Woman are nurses, not doctors.
Woman don't "dirty jobs" such as construction and mechanics; they are secretaries, teachers, or cosmetologists.
Woman do housework and they are responsible for taking care of children.
Woman don't play video games.
Woman don't play sports.
Woman don't enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking.
Woman are never in charge; they are not at the top.
As wives, Woman nag their husbands.
Woman are bad at math.
It is never Woman who work in science, engineering, and other technical fields.
Woman always cook, sew, or do crafts.

These stereotypes have be around so long most people abide by them. How many of these are actually true of men or women. They may even be true for you, but they do not apply to every single man or woman alive. That is what makes them stereotypes some this that is right some times not always and what if it was said that men had to cook and clean and woman now go bring home that money? How would change the world we live in? But then we would be arguing why men clean and cook women work.

From the research that i had done on this subject i had found that there are is a huge amount of influence on us from the mass media specially on your gender. They are forcing stereotypes on us from the day we are born till the day we die. But saying that there has been more acceptance in the last 5 years that the last 100.

And the mass media had a hand it that by showing TV show where women are docs, lawyers, engineers and power full business people. I hope that this new turn in mass media continues because it will let people decide who they are and what the want to do and i think that is a right step in the right direction for our society. But there still a lot of media pushing gender stereotypes on us.